Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Missing her a lot!

It has exactly been three weeks since I departed from her, though it feels like three months! Not a single day went by without having her in my thoughts. Nothing in this world can divert my attention from her..Never realized when it actually happened.. Only after parting from her did I comprehend that she means a lot to me! Having spent over 24 years in her esteemed presence, I really am feeling the emptyness she left behind, with her absence around me. I cant tell u how much I am longing to go back and see her. I know this parting is just momentary. I will surely go back to her very soon. Still, I cant help missing her, from the bottom of my heart. I think about her when I walk across the street to the bus stop nearby, when I had to remain contended with the stuff that i eat for my lunch, on my way back from office, while wandering around the malls, over my telephonic conversations back home, while going to bed... pretty much every moment I am away from her! I love her, I love my India!

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