There is gathering/meeting at a place and we hear a big list of names and they talk volumes about how much money they have EACH generously given for the event to take place. Really? Have they given the amount because they truly believe in whatever is happening and want to be part of the cause. Or for their names to be echoed all over the mikes and speakers so that they can feel good about it and consider it as ROI. Trust me, its not just a few names. The list goes on to the extent that the actual agenda will seem only a miniature compared to it. That is not just it.. there will be banners all over the place with the names and photos of the families of the donors. If there are any invitation cards printed for the event, ahhh.. that is a nightmare for the one in charge of the content. Why is my name at the bottom? why is Mr.X's in red color and mine not? what is the size of font you are using for my name? Hey, does anyone bother to check if the event details are specified correctly without any typos and errors? Even religious gatherings are not an exception to this. We hear the names of people more number of times than we hear the name of God! I am already losing interest in such gatherings, thanks to everyone part of making it happen!
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