We set out on a reasonably long drive to Hyderabad from Vijayawada along with our two little kids. Generally I prefer hiring a driver. But again how well can we trust him with our lives? Vijay, on the other hand prefers to drive. We decided on self driving. We were having fun.. both the kids slept off.. We had good songs on FM.. and we were both singing aloud.. road was pretty smooth.. not much traffic..We stopped at a toll plaza paying the toll and we heard heavy honking from the car behind us. I was annoyed at his impatience and stared at him. Before I began to show my anger at him, he indicated at one of the back tyres of our car. I got down and checked to see there was a puncture. What just happened? We dint know how to change it and we were on a highway. There will be highway assistance from Volkswagen guys, but not sure how long we might have to wait for it! We were told there is a puncture shop about 1 KM from there. We went slowly driving the car and wishing that somehow magically 1 KM shortens. We stopped at a small hotel on the way. Vijay asked them if it was possible for any of them to drop him off at the puncture shop so that he can bring the mechanic to the car instead of us driving there and risking a tyre burst! Lucky for us, there were not many customers in their hotel and the staff were free. The owner said they will change the tyre to stepney and we can drive wherever convenient and get the tyre fixed and changed back. I was scared if they knew how to do and if they would do it well. But to my surprise they did it very quickly and professionally. We thanked them very much and offered some money for their help. They did not expect anything in return and did not accept the money. We were planning on having breakfast a little further away from there. But, we decided to pay them back somehow and went in to have breakfast. It was decent. We drove to the mechanic shop from there! There are still good people in this world who want to help. Thanks a lot to the owner of
Tulasi restaurant and the guys who helped us! The world needs such good gestures..
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