Saturday, April 1, 2017


It was around 7:30 PM yesterday when I dropped my kid off at home on the bike and was searching my phone in the bag while sitting on the bike with the side stand on. I turned back immediately as I
heard a voice - "Akka, something fell down from your purse". Still in the bliss that there are still a few 8 year olds who don't address me as "aunty", I looked down trying to figure what slipped off my purse. The second kid yelled - Advance April fool akka!!! I laughed at myself for a while recollecting all those mischiefs that we used to do as kids in the name of April fools day. That kid is somewhere still present in me. I immediately wanted to reply, Oh! Almost forgot, Enjoy YOUR day tomorrow. But then, I realized that they wont get it. So, I refrained myself from retorting.. and simply smiled. Another couple of boys were a few steps behind them. They hurried towards me and said - "your money fell down akka". I said, "hey, you can keep it". 

Thinking of it, what all we used to do? Gaawwwd!! Some used to get rubber lizards and cockroaches to scare ppl. And there was a count too.. How many people have you fooled today?? We plan the strategies ahead and sometimes group together making sure not a single person is left without being bluffed. These kids are actually celebrating it one day in advance.! Good progress.

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