There was a time when I used to just love kids... Used to find them extremely cute, innocent and good at heart. Loved spending time with them and felt really happy when they look forward to spending time with me! Things slowly began to change. hey! Before you proceed further, I have to say that I am definitely not a misopedist. I am just laying facts forward so that you will be prepared. I will talk about the awesomeness in the pain in my next blog. Here I am focusing on the other side. Having said that, I can safely proceed to the rest of my thoughts. After seeing how destructive and extremely naughty kids are, I realized there is more to that cutie bubbly stuff that requires a lot of patience to handle. Its surely fun to play with them once in a while, but its a complete responsibility to raise one. And that demands a lot of qualities from you. To name a few, energy, constant running behind them, suppressing even the last part of ego that u might have and trying to be nice to them to convince them towards positive behaviour - trust me, they don't listen when u shout at them; all you can do is play a good cop and be gentle and kind to them. Like other grownups, they cannot modify their behaviour based on your mood swings. In which ever mood you otherwise are, you have to be composed with them. 'coz exactly when u are not in a good mood, they will be crankier than ever, you can just take my word for it! Especially the ones less than 5 years old bring out the best behaviour in you. They make you do most of the things for the first time in your life. For instance, you become a mom, clean someones poop, be peed upon, be puked upon sometimes, bathe such tiny baby, shop extensively for the best and comfortable baby stuff, get extremely worried at the tiniest of their discomfort, feel on top of the world when they reach any of their milestones - like crawl, stand, walk, talk etc, spend so many sleepless nights and many more all for the first time in your life. Trust me, There will be a time when all you want to do is to take a long undisturbed bath which itself feels like a tough task. And you will love the few minutes of peace time when they are asleep. They shout loudly when u are in the middle of an important conversation or a phone call and when u ask them to calm down, they shout even louder. When we take the naughty ones outside, the havoc they make will surely make few ppl say, hey! its ok, kids are like that. And I know behind every person that say this are the thoughts, "What a horrible kid! She doesn't listen to anyone. Parents should have done something to control him/her from the beginning." But do they know that it is a herculean task??? I do!!
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