Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Where am I???

Am I in an amusement part?? In a resort?? At a beach?? Hey wait..i am completely in my senses. Itz the recent happenings around me that is making me pose these questions. Lemme pen down an instance..

Note (Disclaimer): All names used here are fictitious though the characters are real. Any reference to real name, if any is purely unintentional.

There is one very interesting “PAIR” (Oops..shud I call it a pair??!) huhh… Application under process…File under supervision…This is how people generally take a break and wait for the result..But this typical Mr.X and Miss.Y break this very trend. The case is not yet EXPLICITLY filed. Every stone on the balcony floor, every brick in the secluded zone, every person @ pizza hut knows it all..!! Miss Y charges her mobile fully at around 8:00PM. By 2:00AM itz completely out of charge. One day of this routine gets distracted that’s it. A mini telugu movie rolls before the acquaintances. Poor me.. I really do not enjoy such real time psenti movies. “Implicit things can at times be dangerous. I want explicit confirmation” says Miss.Y. Why do people get scared to express things they really feel to the person who has every right to know that??

I strongly believe that “If u really want something, the whole universe conspires for you to achieve it” - courtesy, “The Alchemist”. Consciously one should never do something the consequences of which he/she would not be ready to face. Today’s world is filled with people who have an unknown fear to put their feelings out..even to their beloved…!! Does love really have bounds??? If u really say you love xyz, wont u be yourself before that xyz? I strongly feel that there is no ‘U’ and ‘Me’ once u love someone..itz only ‘We’ thereafter. So, here I end this case study of modern “luv”(??!) obstructed by ego(?? Or what so ever feeling which I really couldn’t decode till date) with a hope that the destiny shows them the right path…!

Therez another instance which is gonna fill this space soon..waiting for the copyrights from the unknown characters to u and knwn characters to me..!

The world as I see in this regard has a crowd of mixed behaviour. There one side where ppl are not able to express their feelings, for reasons (I HOPE) are better known to them (ATLEAST).. Another group where in they have loads and loads of feelings that this life will ever not be sufficient for them to express all of them…ahh..wait..thrz yet another side.. It is for you to explore that unknown side..!!


Anonymous said...
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AJ said...
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AJ said...

gud post Sraak's!
btw, do I know that pair?

Sravani said...

lets discuss it offline :P

Sri said...
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Anonymous said...

That was a nice blog....small one,but yet says comprehensively about one of the cases of modern day love..i shud say..
I was also puzzled not once, but many times about this kind of incomprehensible behavior of X ...which at times makes me think why some people are like that....but,couldn't figure out that till now....and I completely agree about your views of expression...

Sudhi said...

Its 'X's as usual istyle!!!..

Ok.. I shouldn't write anything controversial here. I would be blamed for whatever would happen.

First of all, to my knowledge,(of course,from what X claims loud and wide despite of that 8-2 schedule)X never loved!!!! May be thats friendship which is being misunderstood :( Poor X. Am on your side, my friend!

Mr.X is very expressive and would never hesitate to put his words straight. So, this applications and egos are misunderstandings. Actually, i don't believe in love. So I cannot comment on MODERN love or so. But, the ideas expressed in the blog and the comments make sense.What ever it may be, its really disappointing to bring up something like this defaming my dear frnd !!!!!

And to Y:

Don't you think the blog makes sense?

Sudhi said...

Yeah the 3rd side is pple like us all wasting our time when there is nothing between them. Stop this thread and let the souls be in peace.

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.