I have been observing something for many years now...i.e, the sky makes it a point to shower a few drops on few occasions.."varalakshmi vratham" and "vinayaka chavithi" being on the list. Now..is this just a coincidence?? just a coincidence tht happens every year without fail??? or has it got sm other meaning? Should I consider this as the shower of blessings after a morningz pooja session by lakhs of ppl? or is it customary for rain to pay this visit??

Today being one of those days, though it was very dry ova here for over a week now, the coincidence or custom has played its role..fulfilling the duty most effectively. And I stay here as usual wondering wat this phenomenon is..!
hEy gal,
gud post.. showers of blessing comparision is gr8!!
keep writing...AJ
thnQ AJ
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