Age is just a number! And for it to remain that way, we need to stay fit and improve our stamina. As part of that, I decided to join some strength building activity like gym/aerobics/yoga. I already tried yoga a couple of years back. Its actually slow, calm and you know, not my type. I tried gym for a month. You have your own exercise list and you just go on to do those. It actually felt boring after a few days. I gave it a break and finally joined the aerobics class.
The instructor is intolerably annoying, atleast thatz what it felt like initially. "I will learn aerobics for a month or two and then practice it on my own at home. No more classes beyond that", I told myself. I promptly tried to practice the workouts at home over the weekends, when there is no class. Ten minutes is how long I was able to focus before losing the motivation and moving on. Thats when I realized that group workouts work better than individual ones, especially when you have a nice inspiring group. Just when I think of taking a pause from the workouts, I look at my group mates and none of them would stop. They might do it a bit slowly..but they wont stop.. And breaking the silence of the tiredness comes a strong voice -"Come on, do it faster". The energy rushes in from no where and we all start doing the exercises with enthusiasm.

Its over the next one month that I found out, the energy of the group is the instructor. Every single person praises him and talks volumes of good about him, how much ever they curse him while doing the workouts. Actually the class is really fun when I think about it. Its been almost three months and I am still excited to wear the shoes and step my foot inside the class every single day. Each day is a new could be with dumb bells, rod, heavy dancing to music, mild dancing with swift movements or just workouts with music or counting.. even better sometimes the class closes with a few steps of salsa. The love of my life says, I have two left legs when it comes to dancing. It is actually one hundred percent true. And each day I work towards cutting off some percent from that 100%. Vijay, keep watching! I am soon gonna make you proud with my moves... lol :D
Having said that, its the people that make the experience better than it might already be! Thank you all my group mates for making my aerobics experience awesome. Looking forward to more and more fun!!