Kids look up to you and try to be like you. This makes you behave with utmost caution when they are around and obviously want to set a good example to them by living in the best way you can to being a good individual. Good meaning, good at heart. You try to teach them a lot of values. They never miss a single opportunity to point finger at you, when you don't follow something that you preach. Of course we try not to give them one! And in the process we acquire a few good traits and improve on some we already have.
The way they come running to you with an illuminating face screaming at the top of their voice out of happiness and their arms stretched out wide to hug you tight after you come home from somewhere is priceless. Its a feeling better felt than told. While watching our kids grow, we recollect a lot of stuff that we have done during our childhood. We re-live all those precious touching moments from our past - some naughty, some scary, few annoying, few others funny. We make their achievements ours and be happy for them. I am not sure whether they get stressed for their exams, but we do! They spice up our lives and make it fun. When you are in an argument with someone, the way they defend u irrespective of the fact that u discipline them a lot, boosts ur morale beyond words.
Instead of worrying much about what would happen after they grow up or how long the bond that we currently hold with them is going to last etc, we just have to enjoy the blissful moments that they currently give us. Though they make us feel blessed when they are happy, they make us crazy when they are cranky! Just embrace all the emotions that life gives us! Love you both troublesome adorable lovely darlings Sreesikha and Saanvika. You make our family complete.