I have been thinking about this concept lately.. and it is quite getting into me.. however I am not really able to do much about it rather than just thinking and wondering..
We cannot tolerate our kids doing wrong things. We don't like it when they disobey us. It makes us sometimes feel we are kind of failing at showing them the right path. A friend of mine once told me, every parent has an extra responsibility of being very nice, atleast when they are around their kids because they tend to follow the parents. It wont work when we try to preach them something when we ourselves don't follow that.
All this being said, what I wonder is, are we all not the kids of Almighty who showed us the path to perfection by living it? Are we all following the path of God and being his obedient children? If misbehavior from a kid can annoy and frustrate us so much, how must He be feeling up there watching us all dancing to our own tunes? It is practically impossible for all of us to be good people, like He would want us to be. I am beginning to believe that God wants us to realize this feeling through our kids..
He forgives us most of the times and punishes us now and then as required.. Are we being tolerant to our kids in a similar way like we are being tolerated? Am not sure about you, but I am not!! How much ever I wish to , I am not able to. I am going to wish for more strength to walk with as less deviation as possible from the path I am supposed to and at the same time have more tolerance towards those who deviate from the path I want them to travel in!