I should have been in Hyderabad as i write this blog if things had happened the way i had planned... It was a very important day in the life of my dear friend Kamy.. and i really really wanted to be present on this most important day in her life, her wedding.. Generally it so happens that whenever i plan to go to Hyderabad, i plan the leave well in advance and somehow manage to goof up with the tickets and the plan gets toppled down due to unavailability of tickets. This time i had booked the tickets well in advance, applied for leave very well in advance.. but alas.. i am here in Bangalore writing this blog..
This is what i call destiny or fate.. Life is not a cake walk.. If everything happens the way you plan, may be life gets boring..may be we will miss this element of subtle battle with it..may be each of us would start feeling that there is nothing that can ever compete with us.. Hence there is always a remarkable difference between what you plan and what actually happens..!!
I fell in a situation where i cannot enfore that my leave should be granted 'coz the project is at a critical stage where i just cannot leave it in the middle or hand it over to someone else. My committment never allows me to do that. But my heart wants to witness the most memorable moment of my dear friend's life. Conflicting interests they are!!!! My best wishes are surely with her..though i am not able to make it to the wedding personally... I wish her a very happy married life..Dedicating this blog to her!! luv u Kamy :)
This is what i call destiny or fate.. Life is not a cake walk.. If everything happens the way you plan, may be life gets boring..may be we will miss this element of subtle battle with it..may be each of us would start feeling that there is nothing that can ever compete with us.. Hence there is always a remarkable difference between what you plan and what actually happens..!!
I fell in a situation where i cannot enfore that my leave should be granted 'coz the project is at a critical stage where i just cannot leave it in the middle or hand it over to someone else. My committment never allows me to do that. But my heart wants to witness the most memorable moment of my dear friend's life. Conflicting interests they are!!!! My best wishes are surely with her..though i am not able to make it to the wedding personally... I wish her a very happy married life..Dedicating this blog to her!! luv u Kamy :)